
In Terms of Speech Acts of -mIş Morpheme in Turkish Understanding Levels by Learners of Turkishas a Foreign/ Second Language

The aim of this study is to describe the functions of the -mIş morpheme in Turkish in terms of speech acts and to determine whether it is explicitly or implicitly included in the textbooks for teaching Turkish to foreigners. The -mIs morpheme, which is the mainstay of this study, is a morpheme that the learner frequently encounters in his academic and daily life. From this point of view, for each level accepted by the CEFR, it is necessary for the learner to be aware of the use of this morpheme in terms of speech acts in teaching. In this study, qualitative research method was used and it was investigated whether the teaching of -mIş morpheme in terms of speech acts is included in the course materials used for Turkish teaching with a systematic approach. In addition, KTT was applied to determine the level of understanding of some speech acts determined for the -mIş morpheme of the students, who were accepted as an output of the teaching processes in the study. Based on the findings obtained within the scope of the study, none of the 3 books examined included the explicit name of the speech act, they were not based on a research conducted among native speakers in the selection of speech act examples, none of the comprehension and production activities did not raise awareness of interpersonal positions in the student, and the -mIş morpheme was used in daily life. It has been observed that there are no activities for teaching or practicing the speech acts of realisation, disdain, boasting, assumption, doubting, astonishment and prediction. In student research, while the most successful speech acts for the use of the -mIş morpheme are surprise, contempt, and boasting, the speech acts that students misuse are guessing, noticing, boasting, doubting, and being surprised. Considering their general success, students are successful at the rate of 43%, while the rate of misuse is 57%. It is thought that the situations given in the KTT have a positive effect on student achievement. The basis of this idea is supported by the book review. In this context, the fact that students are not subject to explicit or implicit teaching of speech acts in terms of the morpheme in question during their learning process makes it difficult for students to communicate in real-life situations.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Teaching Turkish to Foreigners, -mIş Morphology, Speech Acts
